Here are our additional tips to consider when you start editing videos.
1. Storyboard
Some people just like to get stuck straight in and make it work, but if you've made a storyboard at first, you have a plan of where you are going which will make your life easier wen trying to piece together your clips.
2. The Right Tools
Linking back to storyboarding, if you know what you want from your video make sure you have the right tool to edit. If you know you need to create a video with text then make sure your editing software does text! This will save you time later, rather than end up putting your files through multiple software and wasting time exporting over and over again!
3. Know Your Limits
Video editing is a skill that will take time to grow! You also need to consider your computer limits, a basic computer isn't going to handle multiple 4K video files with multiple layers! Just start simple and grow from there. For most businesses a simple video with text and transition will be all you need!
4. Understand Exporting
This can seem complicated but having a basic understanding of your exporting options will help you in the long run. A video file for YouTube need's to be different to one you'd use on a TV. Luckily there are great explanations online if you want to know what settings you'd need for your purpose.
5. Experiment
So slight contradiction of the first point but have a play and an experiment! Video editing is a skill and takes time and practise to perfect. If you don't explore your software and try different techniques you'll never learn more! So experiment as you never know what you'll find.
Next week we will be looking at supporting staff with a VLE system! Something we help a lot of businesses sort so excited to share some knowledge with you. See you next week.
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