Friday, 3 April 2020

Friday Focus: Using Trello to Keep Your Team on Track

This week's Friday Focus saw us looking at how Trello can be used to help keep yourself or your team on track and goal driven. Think of it as the virtual equivalent of sticking to do post its too your screen, just more efficient and less waste! If you missed our stream you can view it at (as well as our other Friday Focus streams) but it is also embed below:

 You can find the accompanying notes here.

So now that you're up to date, here our are top tips to utilise Trello:

  1. Keep it simple. If you over complicate a board, it isn't going to quick to see what you need to do. This is key for both an individual board or a group board. If it's not kept clear and simple, a Trello board can quickly become an overwhelming nightmare! Better to have multiple boards than cram too much into one.
  2. Use comments. If multiple members of a team are using a board to complete tasks together, make sure you use the comments option. This will save time having to chase up why something has changed or why something has been done in a certain way. It allows for that quick conversation you would have in the office which doesn't seem worth an email! It's also a great way as an individual to keep a report of when you are doing specific tasks.
  3. Learn the keyboard shortcuts. Trello has numerous ways to make your experience as productive as possible, one thing people miss out on is using keyboard shortcuts. We will let you explore these on your own time as there are a lot but one definitely worth noting is pressing "q" will filter the cards to show just what is assigned to the logged in individual! So much easier to focus on your own task than a sea of cards for everyone.
  4. Keep it updated. We all know how annoying it can be when you're in a good work flow and someone pesters you for a task you know you've done, but did you mark it as complete on Trello? It's not just about keeping track of yourself, by updating the board, other's will know where you are up to and the time used emailing can then be used productively.
  5. Turn emails into cards. Every Trello board has an email address allowing the user to forward an email to the board rather than copying and pasting the same information. Likewise each card has an email too, forward an email to that and it becomes a comment on the card (perfect for tip 2!). This can be a great time saver.

Trello is a great tool, making sure you work smarter, not harder. However it is as only as good as you make it, we all have our own practises when using Trello and now you'll be well on your way to maximise your productivity using it!

Our next stream will be 17th April (not the 10th as it is Easter Friday) and we will be exploring working collaboratively on documents using Google Drive. See you then! 

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