Thursday, 21 May 2020

5 Wellness Apps to Help your Well Being whilst Working Remotely

Yesterday, as part of National Mental Health Awareness Week, we looked at some tips to help whilst you work from home. Today we are looking at 5 wellness apps to utilise, though you are more than welcome to use these when you return to the real world!

1. Calm

This is an app to use when feeling stressed. Calm approaches stress using the 360 degree concept. It can help to calm a mind using meditation, help the individual sleep and acquire the skills and tools to help your own mindfulness. The app also includes audio session taught by mindful experts. A great app if you're starting on your mindful journey and want some of everything.
Focusing again on meditation to help the mind, Headspace comes with celebrity endorsements from Gwyneth Paltrow and Emma Watson. The app encourages the user to do a 10 minute exercise with the app a day to help aid mood, attention span and alertness. It also offers sessions for sleeping, exercise and day to day activities such as cooking.
3. My Possible Self
My Possible Self is a great tool for tracking where you currently are mentally and where you would like to be. The app has been featured in the NHS App Gallery and has been clinically proven to help aid stress and anxiety. The app is goal driven, but not competitive, but teaches you to cope with changes and issues in your life.
4. Happify
This app uses science based activities and games to try change your negative habits for positive ones. The app doesn't take itself to seriously and really focuses on optimism to motivate the user to complete the tasks and boost their happiness score.
A good nights sleep can really help your wellbeing, but also a struggle to do so when we are suffering from stress and anxiety! Sleepio was designed to help those with insomnia but also includes wellness features. The app is modelled after CBT practises and using the apps sleep diary can help the user improve their sleep patterns.

What are some wellness apps you would recommend? Have you started to use anymore since the lockdown began? There's so many more out there than what we mentioned, do some research into what you want and hopefully aid your well being.

1 comment:

  1. Insight Timer is great. It has hundreds of free meditations that are categorised e.g. sleep, relaxation, stress, anxiety and grouped by length of time. It also has relaxation music, guided meditations and talks.
